
Our Values

Our name, DataKind, represents our vision of using data to serve humankind. Together, the values of humanity, equity, and innovation form the bedrock of our commitment to building a more just world through the responsible and ethical use of data science and AI for positive social impact.


We believe that the top priority of data science and AI should be to improve quality of life for people.

Data science should be used where it improves access to information and services. We prioritize projects where responsible data science or AI provide the most impactful interventions. 

We work together in ways that recognize our shared humanity, making space for connection, joy, trust, and rest. 

We believe that being clear is being kind.We are tough on ideas, but gentle on people.


We aspire to close gaps in information and access by tailoring our work to the needs and perspectives of the people who will use it.

We co-develop the vision for how solutions will address community-identified needs, prioritizing groups that have historically been excluded from data science and AI.

We build partnerships for reciprocal learning and seek to amplify our complementary strengths.

We prioritize ethics, privacy, anti-racism, and risk management from the start of any data science and AI work.


We bring curiosity and creativity to the world’s toughest challenges, building responsive tools and solutions with shared expertise.

We are nimble and adaptive, testing new approaches and generating insights. We aspire to continuous learning and free and responsible sharing.


We design our work in collaboration with others, building shared buy-in and knowledge for maximum impact. We approach new topics and projects with humility, ready to admit when we’re wrong and eager to thoughtfully change course.

We are rigorous and feedback-driven. We continually raise the bar for technical and ethical excellence.

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Partner Spotlight: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

We spoke with Meredith Baker, Gavi’s Senior Manager of Private Sector Partnerships & Innovation, about our partnership. She talks about the focus and future of ...

DataKind + Gavi Report: Leveraging AI and data science for equitable and efficient vaccine coverage

DataKind and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) released a report on leveraging AI and data science to enhance vaccine coverage and address access disparities, which ...

DataKind + Swahilipot Hub Foundation: Using data science to tackle youth unemployment in Mombasa

By Christopher Apollo, Project Manager, DataKind DataKind partnered with Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN), and its anchor partner in Mombasa, Kenya, Swahilipot Hub Foundation, to ...
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